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Xcode projects can grow bigger and bigger. It would be hard to remember all those files, or keep track of them. Good practices of software engineering most inevitably lead to more files. ActiveCoder is an endeavor to improve this situation. Xcode, as an IDE, has too much in its plate. Features that please developers are probably pretty low in priority. So ActiveCoder is made to fit the gaps.

Once launched, ActiveCoder keeps track of Xcode's current workspace and current file.

Click the bookmark icon on macOS's status bar.

New Look

A list of recently accessed files pops up.

New Look!

Click any item. Xcode will open the clicked file automatically.

There are four sorting options.

  • Auto sorts items based on time spent.
  • Recent sorts items based on latest access time.
  • A-Z and Z-A sort items alphabetically.

Items can be pinned on top for easy access. An pinned item has higher priority than regular items. So, they are always on top.

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